
Turn files into asynchronous streams

User guide


Vigil turns files into asynchronous streams. A stream of data is an eventual source of data. This source can be subscribed to, and subscribers will be notified of new data. This is known as stream processing.

The idea is that we are interested in new content being appended to a file. We are specifically interested in the appended content, like observing a log file. But we don’t want to limit ourselves in how we consume this data. We just want to expose it as asynchronous, or rather, eventual.

This is the essence of Vigil. You place a watcher on a filesystem file and then you can stream content as it is appended to that file.


Vigil uses Manifold to expose files as streams.

Manifold is a Clojure library for creating asynchronous streams. Manifold streams are interoperable with a wide number of abstractions, such as core.async channels, lazy sequences, promises, and more.


The watcher can be stopped at any time by closing the stream. If you don’t want to receive the initial content, pass false to the initial parameter in watch-file. If you delete or truncate the file, the watcher will stop and the stream will be closed.


Monitor a file

(require '[vigil.core :as v]
         '[ :as s])

;; /foo/bar/baz contains "hello\nworld"
(def stream (v/watch-file "/foo/bar/baz"))

@(s/take! stream)
;; => ("hello" "world")

(spit "/foo/bar/baz" "blah\n" :append true)

;; the new line has now been pushed to the stream
@(s/take! stream)
;; => ("blah")

;; shut down the watcher
(s/close! stream)

Convert a file into a channel

(require '[ :as s]
         '[vigil.core :as v]
         '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(def fs (v/watch-file "/foo/bar/baz"))
(def ch (a/chan))

;; forward fs into ch
(s/connect fs ch)

(a/go-loop []
  (when-let [stuff (a/<! ch)]
    (println stuff)
(Thread/sleep 60000)

;; append content into /foo/bar/baz (manually)
;; ... and it shall be printed to *out*

;; if you pass :upstream? true to s/connect,
;; closing the channel will close fs, thereby
;; shutting down the watcher
(a/close! ch)
(s/close! fs)


Copyright © Antoine Kalmbach. All rights reserved.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.