This site is a fairly standard Jekyll static website. The site is divided into two principal sections: content and blog. Posts are written primarily in Markdown. The site is versioned using Git and hosted at GitHub, a Travis CI job builds the site after every commit and then pushes the contents of the develop branch onto master, which is served by GitHub pages.
An essential part of the content section is the _link function in Jekyll. All the hyperlinks to documents in the site are linked using that, absolute file references are not used. The link function ensures the files are there, this ensures that there are no dead links on the site. I don’t use collections anymore (I used them for the microblog), basic pages are sufficient to maintain the non-blog content on this site. They are not useful for my purposes, perhaps I’ll need them one day.
I once tried to use Org to maintain this site, but it was slow and I saw very little gain in that. It was quite painful to configure as well. Jekyll is fairly easy to hack on and the templating language is quite sufficient.

For editing, I make heavy use of markdown-mode and web-mode. Both are Emacs major modes for editing markdown and HTML, respectively. web-mode in particular is essential for HTML editing since it can handle template engines and has great structural navigation and editing commands. Markdown mode does many things, what I use the most is the ability to hide the markup (C-c C-x C-m), so it just looks like text, and hyperlinks are formatted inline so I don’t see the ugly link syntax. I also insert hyperlinks using C-c C-l since I can use links I’ve previously inserted in the same file.