Introduction to vigil
Vigil is a library that creates Manifold streams out of files. Creating a Manifold stream lets you monitor a file as a stream, producing data as content is appended to the file.
As Manifold streams, the streams can be combined with different asynchronous abstractions: channels, lazy sequences, promises, and so forth. Here are some examples.
Here are some examples on how you would use Vigil.
Simple file monitoring as a Manifold stream
(require '[vigil.core :as v]
'[ :as s])
;; /foo/bar/baz contains "hello\nworld"
(def stream (v/watch-file "/foo/bar/baz"))
@(s/take! stream)
;; => ("hello" "world")
(spit "/foo/bar/baz" "blah\n" :append true)
;; the new line has now been pushed to the stream
@(s/take! stream)
;; => ("blah")
;; shut down the watcher
(s/close! stream)
Turn a file into a core.async channel
(require '[ :as s]
'[vigil.core :as v]
'[clojure.core.async :as a])
(def fs (v/watch-file "/foo/bar/baz"))
(def ch (a/chan))
;; forward fs into ch
(s/connect fs ch)
(a/go-loop []
(when-let [stuff (a/<! ch)]
(println stuff)
(Thread/sleep 60000)
;; append content into /foo/bar/baz (manually)
;; ... and it shall be printed to *out*
;; if you pass :upstream? true to s/connect,
;; closing the channel will close fs, thereby
;; shutting down the watcher
(a/close! ch)
(s/close! fs)
Deletion or truncation
If you delete the file, the watcher will stop. Truncating the file will make the watcher reset its cursor to the beginning. Truncation occurs when the cursor location has been observed to be greater than the length of the file.